Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Christopher Delee

Christopher Delee



Stefany Townsend

The Revolution will not be televised.

-Alexis Cummings

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sound stuff

These are my friends. Aren't they cute? This is a vector image. It took hours. This video makes those hours pointless because its so tiny. Here is a URL to the image. It should be bigger.

~Travis Erickson

Joust Battle!

This video was planned to be an animation of a jousting battle between two horse riders. The title image is the good knight's steed, Amurii. This clip was edited from several other music clips from video games ranging from Zelda, Fire Emblem, and many more. I hope you enjoy it!

~Karen Borden

Image/Sound Project#1

Click the Image to view Flash file:

To download both flash file and audio file separately, Click Here

- Juleah Chandler


Turn your volume up to hear the sound adequately.

-Max Coady




-Kim Spann

Make You Laugh, or Say "What?"